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  • We are looking to recruit a new member of support staff to our team to assist with lunchtime supervision and after-school care. If this would be of interest to you, please contact Mr Davda for more information.

Links that you may find useful for learning at home

Home Learning Links (updated 2.5.22 - main links in red)


Government guidance 'Supporting your children's education during coronavirus' and 'Keep children safe online'

BEAM is an emotional health and well-being service for children and young people across Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin. Although its drop-in sessions are currently closed, they are running a telephone support service.

GENERAL CURRICULUM LINKS (sites that cover a range of subjects)

Purple Mash many activities across the curriculum including coding (teachers may set '2Dos'for children to try which they can hand in for feedback)

The Oak National Academy  this is a government online learning school with lessons in key areas of learning for children from Reception to Year 10.

BBC Bitesize Primary UPDATE - From Monday 20th April, BBC is launching its home learning programme. Also available on iplayer and BBC 4. Their normal content involves activities for primary school children (KS1 and 2) covering English and Literacy, Maths and Science

BBC Schools ages 4-11 Learning resources from the BBC

Curriculum Visions excellent resources to support learning across the curriculum

PlanBee have a range of free home learning activities to try

Primary Games Arena has a good range of online games for curriculum areas

Shrewsbury Town in the Community has maths and English activities for home learning

TedEd has a great range of video clips aimed at children to feed curious minds - filter to elementary/primary to find age appropriate clips. You could also look at The Kid Should See This for more fascinating clips.

TES have free resources to view or print out for home learning

Topmarks free interactive learning activities across the curriculum

Twinkl wide range of activities to print out across the curriculum (free to register with increased access for paid subscriptions - currently offering free full access to everyone via code UKTWINKLHELPS )

ENGLISH (phonics, reading, spelling, writing)

Watch daily online phonics sessions for Reception and Year 1 children at https://www.wandleenglishhub.org.uk/lettersandsounds These have been developed by the government through one of the National English Hubs and follow our phonics programme of Letters and Sounds.

Accelerated Reader - email your class teacher who will send you the class link on request

Book Trust - many links to help you enjoy stories together at home, including links to authors and illustrators.

The Book of Hopes is a free online collection of short stories, extracts and poems collated to help children (and adults) at this time of global uncertainty. Hosted by the National Literacy Trust.

Empathy Lab aims to promote and develop empathy through children's literature. There are good ideas you might want to try out at home through their family activities. They publish a Read for Empathy guide each year with recommended books for children. 

Letters and Sounds resources and games  for phonics

Oxford Owl at Home a library of ebooks to read with activities to check comprehension (free to register)

Pathways to Write (our literacy scheme) have produced these home learning packs for writing (click on year group to download): Reception, Year1,  Year2, Year3, Year4, Year5 and Year6. They also have home learning packs for spelling and phonics (click on year group to download): Reception, Year1, Year2, Year 3/4 and Year 5/6.

Spelling Shed   Access this week's spelling quizzes (use Chrome or Safari) 

Storyline Online has many stories to watch, all read by actors with a teacher guide to explore the story more.

The World of David Walliams also has stories to listen to. Well worth a look!


NumberGym Mental Maths Challenge, Bond Builder and Tables Trainer (click online access tab to login - use Chrome or Safari) 

Maths Shed  practice mental maths skills (use Chrome or Safari) 

White Rose Maths we use these excellent mastery maths resources at school. They are uploading home learning lessons with video clips and activities to help children learn at home

NRICH - a huge bank of award-winning maths resources, ideal for children  to work on independently or with the family while schools are closed.


NASA Kids Club has great activities linked to Space - always an interesting topic!

Wildlife Trust webcams - some fantastic British wildlife webcams to view


Oddizzi - use your oddizzi class username and password to access the online activities and pages

British Museum - it may be closed in the real world but you can go on a virtual tour online and try out other activities too such as looking at objects in 3D

Seterra Geography -  test your geographical location skills 


Access Art has some good ideas for art projects at home and handy hints and tips.


Out of the Ark Music - we use lots of their songs for our Christmas plays and with Mr Bennett. They are uploading new songs to learn each week with activities to do too. Well worth a visit!


Raspberry Pi has lots of free activities to help children use coding. Don't forget they can also practise their coding skills on Purple Mash 2Code.


Change 4 Life has a list of activities to be active indoors

The National Trust's list of 50 things to do before you are 11 and 3/4 is full of great ideas and fun for all ages (even grown ups!) 

Shropshire Hills Discovery Centre has a huge range of activities to try out at home and in the garden.

Shrewsbury Town in the Community have a 10am livestream KidsFit session but you can watch Lenny the Lion's four minute fitness blast anytime.


Assemblies.org.uk has 'Pause for Thought' video clips and question prompts that you could use at home - you can scroll down through the list for May to access a clip for your chosen theme, e.g. kindness.