01584 841630
  • We are looking to recruit a new member of support staff to our team to assist with lunchtime supervision and after-school care. If this would be of interest to you, please contact Mr Davda for more information.

School Staff

“All staff create a positive atmosphere for learning by using rewards, praise and sanctions that pupils understand” OFSTED 2018

Head Teacher : Neil Davda


Bea Cox
Gemma Morgan
Zoe Palmer
Tracey Siddons
Emily Morris
Lucy Hassell

Reception/Year 1 Class Teacher: Sue Rook
Year 2/3/4 Class Teacher: Jane Condra
Year 5/6 Class Teacher: Jenny Ebrey
Year 5/6 Class Teacher: Holly Littlar

SENCo: Sally Swann

Music: Ian Bennett

School Administrator: Ruby Jarrett
Administrative Assistant: Heather Southall

Teaching Assistants:
Michelle Hollins
Anna Smith
Cath Davies
Jess Morgan

Cook in Charge: Heather Meyrick

Lunchtime Supervisors: 
Mary Ulyatt
Heather Southall

PE Coach: Lyndsey Dillon

Cleaning Staff:
Heather Meyrick
Colin Jones