01584 841630
  • Autumn term begins Tuesday 3rd September 8:45am

Assessment in Maths

We monitor pupils’ progress in Maths. This is done in a variety of ways: teacher assessment, within year group and across year group moderation.

Within lessons, we may rehearse and revisit previously taught skills and objectives. The class teacher then uses these, alongside assessment for learning questions to assess the acquisition of knowledge and progress.

Statutory end of key stage tests are administered in Y2 and Y6.

We use a variety of assessments for mathematics which are informative and manageable including:

  • On-entry assessments
  • End of Key Stage tests
  • End of unit tests
  • Termly maths tests during assessment week, for example, NFER.

All of the above tests inform judgements on the performance in mathematics of:

  • Individual pupils
  • Cohorts of pupils
  • Small groups of pupils

In KS2, times tables are practiced and assessed each week  This allows children to rehearse the multiplication facts that they need to focus on. Children’s overall progress in the acquisition of table facts is monitored.