01584 841630
  • Autumn term begins Tuesday 3rd September 8:45am

Welcome to Corvedale School Class One.

There are thirteen children in our class.

Three in Year 1.

Ten in Reception.

Mrs Rook is our Class Teacher and Mrs Morgan and Mrs Smith are our Class Teaching Assistants. Mrs Smith also assists with teaching on a Friday afternoon.

Class Newsletter Autumn 2023

Morning Routine: The children enter the building through Classroom 1's outside door. The Children are then supported (when needed) to organised their belongings and settle into a morning activity that may be involve a set task or free play.  Once the teacher has taken the register the first lesson will begin straight after. At this time Year Two go to Class 2 for their targeted Maths Lessons. Year Two also have Language Skills lessons in Class 2.

Home/School Communication: You can contact teaching staff directly via email or through the school office.

Mrs Rook: sue.rook@corvedaleprimary.co.uk

Lesson resources for spelling are from Spelling Shed www.spellingshed.com and for maths, Bond Builder and  Table Trainer are available from NumberGym www.numbergym.co.uk

PE Lessons: PE lessons are on Wednesday and Friday The children are encouraged to wear the correct kit. Children need a royal blue T-shirt & shorts and PE shoes (pumps or trainers) for sports activities. Tracksuits may be worn for outdoor PE.  


Year 1: Reading as often as possible with books changed on demand. Their Phonics Phase Practice books given out at beginning of term - children work through phonemes and activities as they are covered in class. 

Homework for Maths (Key Recall Facts - KiRFs) 

Reception: Reading as often as possible with books changed on demand. Their Phonics Phase  Practice books refreshed weekly as we work through the Phonemes in class to encourage correct pronunciation. Homework for Maths, number recognition home learning activity sheets with fun games and activity suggestions given out as we work through the numerals in class. 

End of the day routines: Children will exit from the class 1 door when called and are then join parents through the side gate on the school field. Parents wait on the playground. Children leaving on the buses are collected from the classroom and children attending after school club are guided to the club next door.