01584 841630
  • Autumn term begins Tuesday 3rd September 8:45am

Forest School

'In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks' John Muir

Forest School is a Scandinavian initiative designed to encourage and inspire individuals of any age through an innovative, long term, educational approach to outdoor play and learning in a woodland environment.

As a school we are very fortunate in having a fabulous outdoor environment and a teacher trained to deliver the Forest Schools programme.

Forest Schools is offered to our Nursery, Reception and Y1 children and also the whole school through our house activities programme. Teamwork skills are developed through games and activities. Individual skills and self-esteem are heightened throughout activities such as trail following, shelter building, tool skills, lighting fires or environmental art, the list is endless. Each activity develops intra and inter-personal skills as well as practical and intellectual skills.

House Activities - see our House Activities Page

Also visit our Seedpips Page

Visit our John Muir Award Page