How are we doing
Corvedale CE Primary School & Nursery was last inspected by OFSTED (Office for Standards in Education) in April 2024. It was graded as GOOD in all areas.
Click here to view the full report
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Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS)
Corvedale Church of England (aided) Primary School was last inspected by SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) on 12th November 2019.
The headline outcomes of the inspection were the effectiveness of Religious Education (RE) was found to be “Good” however the impact of collective worship and the effectiveness of the school’s distinctive Christian vision as established and promoted by school leadership “Required improvement”.
We are delighted that since the last inspection we have moved the teaching of RE from satisfactory to good but do accept that we need to look at how we promote the impact of worship and the school’s distinctive Christian vision.
The report outlined several areas to help the school improve. These and the full report can be read by clicking on the following link. Corvedale SIAMS Report November 2019
Previous SIAMS report
'The latest data from the 2023-24 academic year has revealed the best performing primary schools in Shropshire and Telford & Wrekin. Rounding out the top five with 86 per cent of pupils meeting the required standard in maths, reading and writing is Corvedale Church of England Primary School.' Shropshire Star - January 2025
2023 Good Level of Development - 77.8%
LA = 67.5% National = 67.3%
This is a 6.4% rise since 2022
Y1 Phonics
2018 90%
2019 100%
2022 100%
2023 100%
KS1 Data
Subject |
Below expected |
Expected |
Higher standard |
% EXP + |
Reading |
0 |
6 |
1 |
100% |
Maths |
2 |
3 |
2 |
72% |
Writing (TA) |
2 |
4 |
1 |
72% |
How we compare with provisional data from LA and National
Reading School =100% LA = 68.8% National = 88.4%
GDS (greater depth) School =14.3% LA = 17% National = 18.8%
Maths School =71.4% LA = 68.8% National = 70.6%
GDS (greater depth) School =28.6% LA = 13.7% National = 16.4%
Writing School =71.4% LA = 58.6% National = 60.3%
GDS (greater depth) School =14.3% LA = 7.8% National = 8.2%
Those achieving EXS or better in Reading Writing and Maths - School = 42.9% LA = 53.3% National 56.2%
KS2 Data
Subject |
Below expected |
Expected |
Higher standard |
% EXP + |
National |
Reading |
4 |
2 |
6 |
67% |
74% |
3 |
7 |
2 |
75% |
72% |
Maths |
1 |
9 |
2 |
92% |
73% |
Writing (TA) |
4 |
7 |
1 |
67% |
71% |
Reading Average scaled score School = 109.6 LA = 105.2 National = 105.1 – a 9.8 points rise since 2022 and 8.5 points rise compared with 2019
Grammar Punctuation & Spelling Average scaled score School = 104.6 LA = 104.2 National = 104.9 – a 1.4 points rise since 2022 and 5.1 points rise compared with 2019
Maths Average scaled score School = 104.7 LA = 103.3 National = 104.2 – a 2.9 points rise since 2022 and 8 points rise compared with 2019
Our overall RWM Reading Writing and Maths combined is School = 66.7% LA = 56.8% National = 59.4% - a 20.5% points rise since 2022, a 37.5 points rise since 2019
Higher attainers School = 8.3% LA = 6.4% National = 8%
To view more information please click here to view the DfE Schools Performance tables website.
Data Dashboard
The Data Dashboard provides a snapshot of performance in a school. The dashboard can be used by governors and by members of the public to check performance of the school or provider in which they are interested.
The Data Dashboard complements the Ofsted inspection report by providing a summary of results data over a three year period and comparisons to other schools or providers.
Data dash board report for Corvedale CE Primary School
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