Our governors are here to help and support the school.
"Governors understand their roles. They ensure they challenge school leaders to maintain an accurate and up-to-date view of the school. They are conscious of the workload and well-being of staff. Staff feel listened to and are proud to work at the school." Ofsted - April 2024
Our governors provide the governing body with a balanced range of skills needed to successfully maintain and improve the quality of the education the pupils receive at Corvedale C. E. Primary School. The impact and the contributions the governors make to the governing body is audited yearly to ensure that we have the continued capacity to improve the school.
We are from different backgrounds.
Some of us are Foundation Governors – we are appointed by the Hereford Diocesan Board from the local parishes of Diddlebury, Munslow, Culmington and Stanton Lacy. (Term of office in brackets)
David Hedgley (Chair of Governors) (19/10/27)
Hugh Disley (25/09/27)
Russell Simm (15/10/27)
Martin Steer (19/10/27)
Sharon Constable (14/11/27)
Also Reverend John Beesley is a member of the Governing Body – he is the principal officiating minister of the Parishes of Diddlebury, Munslow, Culmington and Tugford.
Some of us are LA Governors – we are appointed by the Local Authority in Shropshire.
Richard Coleman (Vice-chair of Governors, 5/06/24)
Some of us are Parent Governors – we are elected by the parents of the children who attend Corvedale C.E. Primary School.
Jo Williams (17/5/24)
Richard Griffiths (tbc)
We may occasionally appoint Associate governors who maybe recruited for specific purposes. They have voting rights on committees but not on the full governors.
Nicky Fuller (19/10/24)
Heather Southall (20/11/24)
We have a Teaching Governor - we are elected by the staff at Corvedale C.E. Primary School.
Sue Rook (1/11/25)
Our Headteacher is a member of the Governing Body.
Neil Davda
Many of us have long-standing connections with Corvedale C.E. Primary School. Some of us even came to the school when we were young and some of us have children who attended Corvedale C.E. Primary School or who are currently enjoying their education at our wonderful school. Between us we possess a wide range of skills and experiences gained both in and out of education locally and nationally.
The one thing we all have in common is that we believe that the children and staff at Corvedale C.E. Primary School are outstanding in every way. We have first-hand experience of seeing that the children and staff are committed to our ethos – ‘Love God Love Learning Love Life’.
Additional governor information can be viewed by clicking on the links provided below:
All governors serve in office for 3 years with the exception of the LA governor who serves for 4 years.
Each term the Chair of the Governors writes to all parents to keep them abreast of all governor activity.
End of Term Letter December 2024 Click here to view
End of Term Letter December 2023 Click here to view
There are a number of committees that meet, some frequently, others only when the need arises, and different governors are represented on the committees. Click here to view
Governor Attendance 2024-25 Click here to view
Governor Attendance 2023-24 Click here to view
Calendar of Meetings Academic Year 2024-25 Click here to view
Scheme of Delegation Click here to view
Governing bodies are under a duty to publish their register of interests. The register sets out the relevant business interests of governors and details of any other educational establishments they govern. The register also sets out any relationships between governors and members of the school staff. Click here to view
Strategy Document Click here
Impact statement for the academic year 2023-24 Click here to view
Impact statement for the last academic year 2022-23 Click here to view
Parents' Questionnaire It is our aim to be a school that provides the very best primary education for your child, so each year the Governing Body asks parents for feedback on how we are doing. Here is the analysis following the latest questionnaire November 2024. Click here to view
Financial Information
School's Financial Benchmarking Service Corvedale
How do we help?
We are here to help and support the Head teacher of our school acting as his critical friend.
We are involved in planning our school's future strategic development and direction.
We have high aspirations regarding what our pupils can achieve.
We listen to our teaching staff and support them in all areas of teaching and learning.
We encourage our pupils' spiritual, moral and social development.
We support our school in providing for all our pupils, irrespective of background or needs.
We are accountable for the performance of our school to parents and to the wider community.
We help the Headteacher make decisions on implementing our school's budget.
How can we support continuous improvement at Corvedale?
We support and challenge by gathering views and asking questions from anyone involved with the school.
We are prepared to give and take, being loyal to the decisions taking by the governing body as a whole but challenging initially as individual governors. .
We listen to our staff and learn about our schools progress and needs through the committees we attend.
We analyse the school's data and use it to plan for progression and meet challenges raised by it.
We visit our school and talk to our pupils and we certainly listen to the views of our parents.