There are 21 children in total: 13 girls and 8 boys in Class 2. Six children are in Year 4, seven children are in Year 3 and eight children in Year 2.
Mrs Condra is our main class teacher. Miss Hollins and Mrs Smith also assist with teaching some subjects.
Morning Routine
The children enter the building through Classroom 2's outside door at 8.45am. Once children have organised their belongings, they are expected to enter the classroom promptly to begin their early morning activity. Once the teacher has taken the register the first lesson will begin straight after.
Home/School Communication
You can contact teaching staff directly via email or through the school office.
Mrs Condra: [email protected]
Lesson resources:
Bug Club Phonics is at
Spelling Shed and Maths Shed are at
Times Table Rock Stars is at
Bond Builder and Table Trainer are available from NumberGym
Splash Learn also has maths games
PE Lessons
PE lessons with Mrs Smith are on Tuesday afternoon and with Ms Dillon on Wednesday afternoon. The children should wear the correct kit. Children need a royal blue T-shirt & shorts and PE shoes (pumps or trainers) for sports activities. Tracksuits may be worn for outdoor PE during cold weather.
Homework for Maths and spelling is given out every Friday and should be returned by Wednesday the following week. Please read with your child regularly at home and ensure their reading books come to school with them every day.
End of the day routines:
Children will exit from the classroom fire door at 3.15pm and are then let out through the side gate on the school field. Parents must wait on the playground.