01584 841630

Corvedale's Nursery

'Children flourish in the early years. The school has identified precisely what children will learn and in what order, starting with the provision for two-year-olds.' Ofsted - April 2024


The Nursery is located within the main building of Corvedale C of E Primary School. It provides a safe, caring and stimulating environment that promotes learning through play, using excellent resources and many opportunities for children to develop their social skills as they play alongside and with other children. The facility was refurbished in 2021 and includes a spacious outdoor area, a mud kitchen, as well as access to the whole school grounds, hall and dining room.

'Children in early years settle quickly. They are polite, well-mannered and follow routines. They are taught to be independent and resilient learners.' Ofsted - April 2024

We encourage independence and self-confidence throughout. We provide a wide range of new experiences and activities for the children.  Our dedicated and experienced staff team are committed to providing the highest quality early education and well being of the children.

Our aim is to enrich and stimulate the children's experiences, to provide opportunities for them to progress through learning situations, and to help them develop skills relevant to their needs in school. We will also encourage them to develop socially and to form good relationships with other children and adults.

Through adult-led and child-initiated activities, every day is varied with opportunities for art, music, early mathematics and literacy skills. The Nursery works together with our Reception class allowing a seamless transition for children as they reach school age. Many of the activities such as forest school run alongside our Reception class to ensure the children feel part of the school.

At Corvedale Nursery over the summer we have worked hard to enhance our Child Centred approach based on children’s individual needs. Both rooms will provide a safe stimulating play based setting geared towards their needs where children feel happy and secure. We continue to work towards our unique Corvedale Curricular goals which are underpinned by the EYFS seven areas of learning. Both groups will be led by our extremely experienced and skilled staff.

Our Acorn Group is targeted towards the younger and new children and will provide a nurturing supportive environment that encourages them to settle. There will be a strong focus on developing the prime areas of learning which include Communication and Language development, Personal, Social and Emotional Development and Physical Development whilst beginning to explore the specific areas.

Our Oak Group is for the older children and here the children will continue to develop the prime areas however there will be a greater focus on providing a stimulating environment that build skills in the specific areas of learning including Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design. The Children will receive carefully planned Early Maths and English learning and we will be encouraging the children to think for themselves, to be creative, curious and friendly and develop their confidence for exploration and innovation. Over the year the children will build up their interactions with Class 1 to ensure a smooth and happy transition into Corvedale Reception.

During the day both groups will be coming together regularly for breaks, snacks outside play and mud kitchen activities. In both groups there will be a focus on kindness, love and fun in all our learning where we will be encouraging all children to flourish at their own pace with a diversity of play, and social interaction, inside and outside, skilfully targeted to their needs and in a cross curricular way.