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  • We are looking to recruit a new member of support staff to our team to assist with lunchtime supervision and after-school care. If this would be of interest to you, please contact Mr Davda for more information.

Supporting your child with reading and writing

The role of parents:

Parents are encouraged to support their child by attending open evenings and helping their children in reading and learning spellings.

Reading at home is vital – initially with an adult then increasingly alone. Reading at home with parents, grandparents or brothers/sisters should be seen as an enjoyable activity which fosters a love of books. Reading and the enjoyment of reading is a fundamental aim and the key to success at school.

Children in Class 1 have phonics homework to help them practice the new sounds they are learning at home. They can also access Bug Club Phonics at home via the Active Learn platform (see homework packs for login details).

Children in key stage 1 and 2 have spelling words to learn each week for their homework. These link to a particular rule or topic that is being taught in class. Spellings can be practised online using Spelling Shed (see homework packs for login details).

Useful links to support learning: 

  • Active Learn Access Bug Club Phonics online to read and quiz on decodable phonics books and try phonics games (assigned by your child's teacher to link to current learning).
  • Spelling Shed   Access this week's spelling quizzes (use Chrome or Safari) 
  • Book Trust - many links to help you enjoy stories together at home, including links to authors and illustrators.
  • The Book of Hopes is a free online collection of short stories, extracts and poems collated to help children (and adults) at this time of global uncertainty. Hosted by the National Literacy Trust.
  • Empathy Lab aims to promote and develop empathy through children's literature. There are good ideas you might want to try out at home through their family activities. They publish a Read for Empathy guide each year with recommended books for children. 
  • CBeebies Bedtime Stories has many stories to watch, read by a wide variety of people and covering a range of themes.
  • Storyline Online has many stories to watch, all read by actors with a teacher guide to explore the story more.